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United States Allies 2023

Allies and Partners: The Cornerstone of the US National Defense Strategy

A Foundation for Security and Stability

A Robust Network of Cooperation

As the world faces evolving threats and geopolitical shifts, the United States relies heavily on its allies and partners to maintain global security and stability. The assistant secretary of defense for international affairs acknowledges that these relationships are an integral part of the US National Defense Strategy.

Deterrence and Prevention

One key aspect of this partnership is deterrence. The United States, along with its allies and partners, presents a formidable force against potential aggressors. The 60+ countries that collaborate with the US collectively constitute its greatest asset in deterring conflicts with major powers like China and Russia.

Groundbreaking Achievements in the Indo-Pacific

In the Indo-Pacific region, the United States has achieved significant progress in collaboration with its allies. These include: fostering integration on space security, bolstering military cooperation, and promoting stability in the face of regional challenges.

As 2023 draws to a close, it becomes evident that US alliances and partnerships in the Indo-Pacific region have reached unprecedented levels of depth and strength.

The Importance of Reassessment

Despite the strong bonds between the US and its allies, there are those who believe that these countries should reconsider their allegiances. However, experts argue that the US remains a vital partner in maintaining global security and preventing conflicts.

Biden's Commitment to Allies

President Biden has demonstrated his commitment to strengthening relationships with allies. He has deepened consultations with Japan and South Korea on nuclear issues, approved classified Space Security Guidance to increase integration on space matters, and prioritized investment in European deterrence.

Benefits for Non-NATO Allies

The United States also recognizes the strategic value of non-NATO allies (MNNAs). These partners receive benefits in areas such as defense trade and security cooperation.

In addition to formal alliances and partnerships, the US maintains close relationships with other countries, such as Israel, which have not entered into formal treaty agreements but share mutual security interests.


In today's complex geopolitical landscape, allies and partners play a crucial role in ensuring global security and stability. The United States, along with its partners, faces emerging threats, maintains deterrence, and promotes stability through concerted efforts. As the future unfolds, these relationships will undoubtedly remain a cornerstone of international security.
